Get Your Mammogram NOW!

Having a Breast Cancer scare is no fun, I need a breast biopsy on Monday the 8th of May. Seven days from now. It’s an experimental research biopsy done by Molecular Breast Imaging. I’m nervous about it. I wish I could have had it earlier instead of waiting until the 8th. Waiting adds to theContinue reading "Get Your Mammogram NOW!"


Last Tuesday I went to the local Mayo Clinic for a mammogram. I checked my medical portal this morning since I had not heard from anyone. Well, the mammogram showed negative but I have a higher risk because of familial Breast cancer so they want me to be seen by the Breast Cancer Center atContinue reading "BREAST HEALTH"



This is a rant. I needed to say this.


My heart breaks because of how I was treated by T…, your son. He hurt me with his words and his lies. You just accepted what he said as gospel. He said I gave you a heart attack. That was a lie. He said nasty things about B….. saying hesaid things that he didn’t actually say about the house and financing. He tried to get rid of us while the ban on evictions was going on and we were paying our rent on time every month.

He called me nasty things. You let him. You believed him. You said nothing yet you claimed you loved me. It was cruel. You didn’t like how I kept the house I am sorry, I’m not you. I am not a perfectionist, I’m not OCD. I’ve never been a good housekeeper. Yet you…

View original post 321 more words


This is a rant. I needed to say this. Dear………… My heart breaks because of how I was treated by T…, your son. He hurt me with his words and his lies. You just accepted what he said as gospel. He said I gave you a heart attack. That was a lie. He said nastyContinue reading "FAMILY???"

The Past is Present

Have you ever wanted to write, but didn’t know where to start? That’s where I am right now. Where to start? Some say “start at the beginning” but that is a bit harder for me. It’s really dark in the beginning. So maybe more freeform write what I am thinking about. Write what’s going onContinue reading "The Past is Present"


I’ve been feeling kind of abandoned by my family these days. I haven’t heard from my brother or my dad in at least 3-4 weeks maybe longer. When I think about it, it hurts, a lot. Family is hard sometimes.  I don’t mean to bitch but It feels awful. I love them all with allContinue reading "FAMILY"


Mental health should be more of a priority in this country. I know that I have been dealing with mental health issues since I was a small child, yet I know now it was mostly ignored because I was a kid. When I was a freshman in high school getting some kind of help wasContinue reading "MENTAL HEALTH"

Let’s get Physical or Chronic Pain and Illnesses


Life has been difficult lately. I’ve been dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety. I also have been having trouble with these horrible “ESSENTIAL TREMORS”. I hate the trembling in my hands, I can take the pills I have, but the prescription is written so that it says I can take it more than once a day but the number of pills is written by the month so I get 30 pills for 30 days. So there are days I don’t take it and I can not do much of anything with my hands.

I get really tired of all the shaking. I want to be able to create. Here I am post pill and I can type. I want to make something and crochet. Maybe I can make something small, like an octopus. I’m not sure what I can make. Perhaps I can find a pattern for a…

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Let’s get Physical or Chronic Pain and Illnesses

Life has been difficult lately. I’ve been dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety. I also have been having trouble with these horrible “ESSENTIAL TREMORS”. I hate the trembling in my hands, I can take the pills I have, but the prescription is written so that it says I can take it more thanContinue reading "Let’s get Physical or Chronic Pain and Illnesses"