Get Your Mammogram NOW!

Having a Breast Cancer scare is no fun, I need a breast biopsy on Monday the 8th of May. Seven days from now. It’s an experimental research biopsy done by Molecular Breast Imaging. I’m nervous about it. I wish I could have had it earlier instead of waiting until the 8th. Waiting adds to theContinueContinue reading “Get Your Mammogram NOW!”


Last Tuesday I went to the local Mayo Clinic for a mammogram. I checked my medical portal this morning since I had not heard from anyone. Well, the mammogram showed negative but I have a higher risk because of familial Breast cancer so they want me to be seen by the Breast Cancer Center atContinueContinue reading “BREAST HEALTH”


Mental health should be more of a priority in this country. I know that I have been dealing with mental health issues since I was a small child, yet I know now it was mostly ignored because I was a kid. When I was a freshman in high school getting some kind of help wasContinueContinue reading “MENTAL HEALTH”

Let’s get Physical or Chronic Pain and Illnesses

Life has been difficult lately. I’ve been dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety. I also have been having trouble with these horrible “ESSENTIAL TREMORS”. I hate the trembling in my hands, I can take the pills I have, but the prescription is written so that it says I can take it more thanContinueContinue reading “Let’s get Physical or Chronic Pain and Illnesses”