Get Your Mammogram NOW!

Having a Breast Cancer scare is no fun, I need a breast biopsy on Monday the 8th of May. Seven days from now. It’s an experimental research biopsy done by Molecular Breast Imaging. I’m nervous about it. I wish I could have had it earlier instead of waiting until the 8th. Waiting adds to theContinueContinue reading “Get Your Mammogram NOW!”


Last Tuesday I went to the local Mayo Clinic for a mammogram. I checked my medical portal this morning since I had not heard from anyone. Well, the mammogram showed negative but I have a higher risk because of familial Breast cancer so they want me to be seen by the Breast Cancer Center atContinueContinue reading “BREAST HEALTH”

The Past is Present

Have you ever wanted to write, but didn’t know where to start? That’s where I am right now. Where to start? Some say “start at the beginning” but that is a bit harder for me. It’s really dark in the beginning. So maybe more freeform write what I am thinking about. Write what’s going onContinueContinue reading “The Past is Present”


Mental health should be more of a priority in this country. I know that I have been dealing with mental health issues since I was a small child, yet I know now it was mostly ignored because I was a kid. When I was a freshman in high school getting some kind of help wasContinueContinue reading “MENTAL HEALTH”

Something Needs To Change

I have been busy lately with a new puppy, and medical appointments.  Selene is doing well though she has more of the temperament of a chihuahua than the Shihtzu.  Puppy training is hard. Even the trainer said the smaller breeds are harder to train by virtue of their size.  She can be an angel orContinueContinue reading “Something Needs To Change”

Me, the World, and Everything Else

The world or at least this country is fubarred.  Right-winged super legislators have taken over the Supreme Court. They have officially turned women into 2nd class nothings who can’t handle decisions about their own bodies. We are quickly becoming a male-dominated, theocratic autocracy. What else? The EPA has no right to do its job regulatingContinueContinue reading “Me, the World, and Everything Else”

Kitties and Puppies and Politics Oh Myyyy!

Where to start.  I do have some awesome news. PUPPY!  I am getting a small puppy that will become a small dog.  Part Schitzu, part Chihuahua. Her name is Selene. She is named after the goddess of the moon. She is the tiniest of a litter of six and she is adorable! I have someContinueContinue reading “Kitties and Puppies and Politics Oh Myyyy!”


It has been a long while since I have felt good. Whether it has been the cancer (more on that later), the mental health issues or the chronic physical issues and the chronic pain, It has been dealing with the medical establishment. None of these things are easy to deal with alone, but when youContinueContinue reading “WOW, IT HAS BEEN A WHILE”